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General Information


All students, whether they are members of DUYRA or not, can apply for all of the following positions. Even though there is no rule that prevents your from applying for several positions, we would suggest that you do not apply for more than one.


The AGM can hence also be attended by all students. However, only fully paid members of the society can cast one vote each. The elections for each positions will be by show of hands or alternatively by secret ballot. The positions will be elected in the order in which they are listed below.


Before the election, each student who has registered interest in a position should prepare a 1min speech for his position of interest. For students interested in the role of the president, it is 2min.


This list ist not necessarily exhaustive. If you have suggestions for other positions, please get in touch.





The President will normally preside at all the meetings of the society and he is ultimately responsible for the conduct of the society. It is his responsibility to represent the society at external meetings.

The role of the presidentis similar to the role of a fire fighter. If something burns, you need to get right at it and don't let it burn to the ground. Delegating and motivating a team will be essential skills that you will either bring with you, or develop in record time.



Vice President


The deputy president's main responsibility is to assist the president in the representation of the Society and he is jointly responsible for all actions within the Society. The deputy president will assume the duties of the president in his absence.

To stay with the allegory, you are the co-firefighter, that always takes over when the president is either not there or if there is a conflict of e.g. an event and a meeting. You should be a flexible and versatile individual that can take on a wide range of very different tasks at a short notice if required.




The Secretary's responsibilities include correspondence of the society, calling of meetings and the keeping of minutes of meetings. The secretary furthermore has to compile and read a report for the annual general meeting. You would ideally also be involved in social media campaigns and advertising.




The treasurer shall be responsible for the finances in accordance with the rules laid out in the DUSA constitution. The treasurer shall be in charge of the finance and budgeting of the society, and ensuring prudent and equal allocation of funds between competing projects. You will also be responsible for meeting claims against the society. As well as the Secretary, you also compile a detailed report of the finances of the society, as well as an assett register, that will be presented at the annual general meeting.



Academic Events Coordinator


The academic events coordinator would ideally be a student with a talent in organising events. This includes finding and booking appropriate premises for events and dealing with everything that is related to the events, such as, but not limited to catering. Knowing when open days of the different schools within the university are and proactively organising stalls of the society at these events are also part of your responsiilities.



Fundraising and Social Events Coordinator


The fundraising events coordinator would ideally be a creative student of any background who can easily spot opportunities for raising funds for both the society, and external organisations and turn these opportunities into appropriate events on a short notice. You will be quite independent in the way you decide to organise these events.



Social Media Coordinator


The social media coordinator would ideally be somebody who lives and thrives in the diverse world of social media. Can't get enough of posting, tweeting, etc? You'll be in charge of our social media channels mostly for advertising purposes and are encouraged to expand on from what we already have (which is facebook, linkedIN, and twitter).



Head of Company Relations


The head of company relations would ideally be a student with a business mindset and have contacts to potential sources of funding. His responsibilities include to look for external supporters and sponsorship opportunities proactively.



Webdesigner (and more)


Your main responsibility will be to create visually appealing advertisement for our events. Ideally you are skilled in html, css, cgi, etc. and would be striving to improving this currently somewhat cheap website.



School Representatives


Our school representatives will ideally have good contacts to their peers and ideally know postgraduate students and academic and teaching staff of their respective department. Their responsibilities include specific advertising in their departments by lecture-shout outs at the beginning of the semester. Ideal would be if have an interest in tutoring/teaching and if you were willing to do at least one tutorial.


We are looking for representatives of at least the following departments:

- Engineering

- Physics

- Mathematics

- Life Sciences


- Psychology

- Computing


Head of Research


This is an optional position that can be elected by the school representatives. The head of research shall be in charge of the organization of student-run projects.


If you find that another department should be represented, then you are more than welcome to apply as a representative of that department.


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